Write For – Unheals.com

Thank you for considering write for us for our Unheals.com. We appreciate your interest in contributing and sharing your valuable knowledge with our audience.

As a writer, your contribution is an essential for unheals.com’s success. We strive to provide readers with the most accurate health information, and your expertise in the field is a valuable.

To acknowledge your contribution, we have created this page to showcase your work and give credit. Here are some guidelines for writer’s contribution:

  • Content should Have E-A-T Factor: Your Content should be engaging and must follow the Google Content Guidelines. Content should be for Readers, Not for Search Engines.
  • Author Bio: Please include a short author bio that introduces yourself to our readers. This should include your name, job title, and any relevant credentials or expertise you have in the health niche. You may also include a personal photo or headshot.
  • Social Media and Website Links: If you have a personal website or social media accounts related to the health niche, we encourage you to include these links in your author bio. This will help our readers connect with you and your work.
  • Article Summary: Please provide a brief summary of your guest post that highlights the key points and takeaways for our readers.
  • Article Link: Include a link to your piece of content. This will allow our readers to easily access and get references. We only allowed 1 DF link.
  • Email: Prepare Document of your writing piece according to above mentioned guidelines and forward it to our official Email – info@unheals.com.

We want to express our gratitude for your contribution to our website. Without your valuable insights and knowledge, we could not provide our readers with the quality content they deserve. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us and our audience.

Once again, thank you for your interest in contributing to Unheals.com. We look forward to reading your piece of content and sharing it with our readers.